Here are the steps to ensure your Apple Podcast pulls from the new website:
1) Before taking the new website live, make sure all of your sermons are loaded into Content > Sermons. Every sermon that you'd like to remain on your Apple Podcast needs to be entered.
2) We'll take the website live when you're ready.
3) Once the site is live, you'll need to update the URL of your Apple Podcast. This can be done by logging in to Apple Podcasts Connect under the Apple ID that holds the podcast. This Apple ID is the person who originally submitted the podcast to Apple. If this is not you, check with the person who built your old website.
4) Once logged in to Apple Podcasts Connect, click on Show Information > Edit. Update the URL to (be sure to replace the ######## with your domain name). See below.
5) Click Save.
6) Your Apple Podcast will begin pulling sermons from your new website within a few hours!