The reason the Bible verse reference in your content is not displaying is actually by design. Here is a direct quote from the RefTagger website:
To avoid false hits, RefTagger will not tag whole books like Luke or whole chapters of Scripture like John 10 unless you wrap them in the Bibleref markup…
In other words, RefTagger prevents the script from tagging a line in the content that says something like “So I got a revelation 2 years ago that I was only giving John 2 pieces of pizza while unfairly giving Jeremiah 47 pieces.” That is obviously a ridiculous example for illustration purposes.
What you can do is go into the HTML tab of your content and add the cite tags per Reftagger's instructions. Note that your sermon list and sermon detail pages will automatically add those cite tags so you won’t need to worry about those. Adding the cite tags manually for full-chapter references is only necessary if you’re adding passages in the content of a website page.